Where can i play hetaoni
Where can i play hetaoni

where can i play hetaoni

  • Dies Wide Open: Italy, in the second time loop.
  • How can he be anything else at this point?

    where can i play hetaoni

    Sadly it doesn't work and England saves him again to his horror.

  • Declaration of Protection: America tells this to England after his previous self sacrificed himself to save him.
  • somehow the cast of Hetalia suffer more than Hiroshi and his friends.
  • It even manages to be darker than the original Ao Oni.
  • Darker and Edgier: Than Hetalia: Axis Powers, which, for all its historical context, rarely even mentions death, as opposed to this story.
  • Cowardly Lion: Italy's circumstances force this development on him because no matter how many tries it takes, he refuses to leave that mansion until he can get everyone out alive, even his enemy countries.
  • And due to the 2011 Japanese Tsunami, there will never be a resolution.
  • Cliffhanger: Most "episodes" end with this.
  • He has the highest rate of getting killed and even though he can single handedly take out the Greys, he'll go blind as a result.
  • Chew Toy: Out of everyone in the series, England has it worse than everyone.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The broken plate piece.Also, the cell in which America, France, and Prussia are trapped at one point becomes important when Italy locks everyone inside.
  • Character Development: You know how America and Italy were told in the actual series they can't read the atmosphere? Well, they can now.
  • Cast Full of Pretty Boys: It's Hetalia, what did you expect?.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Implied with England, as his overuse of magic led to his death in the prior loops and to his blindness in the current loop.
  • No one pays him any heed, because it's just cowardly Italy.
  • Cassandra Truth: With Italy's second experience with the mansion, first he desperately tries to talk the other nations out of visiting, then from splitting up to explore.
  • He also has a manual on how to deal with anything.
  • Brains and Bondage: Germany's weapon is a personal whip that is described as well used.
  • Brought Down to Normal: England is unable to use his magic powers.
  • Especially when he decides that he's going to protect England with his life and be his hero. Having to be saved by England multiple times whether it's the past or the present wears him down. Naturally, when you're the only one that survives the first time during the haunted mansion and rewind time to save everyone only to fail over and over again, naturally, you would be broken.
  • Break the Cutie: Italy suffers from this a lot.
  • My apologies to those who like horror, but I made this game so that it wouldn't be very scary.

    Where can i play hetaoni